Because of early out from school due to weather conditions, there will be NO confirmation class or God's Family Oasis dinner tonight.
Committee descriptions
Memorial Committee
Consists of five members who each serve a 5-year term. The committee meets as needed or as called upon by the church council or Chair. Committee provides an appropriate list of gift items, which the council must approve.
Endowment Committee
Consists of five members, whom each serve a 5-year term. The committee meets as needed in the best interest of the management of the Fund. This is a fund that was set up in 1995 to be a separate fund from the general operating fund for Grace Lutheran Church.
Synod Delegates
Are three folks from Grace Lutheran who attend the Synod-wide assembly meeting once a year, usually late May or early June. The meeting usually is 2-3 days where folks come from all the churches from all over the state for a yearly meeting for worship, inspirational speakers, mission project ideas, and general fellowship with other members of the ELCA in the state of Nebraska.
Blue Valley Lutheran Home delegates
A yearly meeting, normally the 1st Sunday of November held here in Hebron, at the nursing home. A delegate attends this meeting and hears what is happening at the Blue Valley Lutheran homes. Folks from Lutheran churches all around the county and beyond attend this yearly meeting. Constitution states - 6 voting members.
Nominating committee
Consists of 6 voting members who contact fellow members and ask them to serve on various committees within the church. The nominating committee meets as needed in late December to prepare for the annual meeting usually held the third week of January.
Audit committee
Are three members of the church, who meet once during the year and review the financial books of the church.
Administrative council
Consists of 9 members of the congregation along with the Pastor. The Congregation council shall have general oversight of the life and activities of this congregation, and in particular its worship life. Shall be responsible for the financial and property matters of this congregation. Shall see that the provisions of this constitution, and its bylaws, and the continuing resolutions are carried out. Shall provide for an annual review of the membership roster. Shall be responsible for the employment and supervision of the staff of this congregation. Shall submit a comprehensive report to this congregation at the annual meeting. Shall normally meet once a month.